Global geofencing SAAS platforms for the market research industry
Used by over 150 mystery shopping providers, over 18,000 companies and over 3 million shoppers, LiveShopper Sassie unlocks your company’s potential to:
- Win New Business
- Develop Unique Services
- Maximize Staff Efficiency
- Obliterate the Competition

It’s time for your technology to go world class
- All Countries
- All Languages
- 2.1 Million Unique People Globally Performed A Task In The Last 12 Months
Business Solutions
- 20 Years leading the industry.
- Utilized by over 10,000 end clients.
- Championed by industry leaders.
- Best-in-class reporting tools.
- Proprietary add-on modules.
- Very high self-assign rate.

Want to be a Mystery Shopper?
Need Insights Solutions?
Three powerful systems | Big picture data | Combined DRAGON reporting
Sassie Systems
A robust suite of market research tools including Mystery Shopping, C-SAT, Audits, Social Media Monitoring, and more!
PrestoShopper App
Mobile platform for shorter mystery shops that gets actionable data to key stakeholders quickly
LiveShopper SDK
power within your
own brand’s
mobile app