Dragon Media Gallery, Admin Shop Exporter, and Kiosk Link Creator

  • Dragon Media Gallery – now with links to uploaded audio!
  • Admin Shop Exporter – .txt and .xlsx options added!
  • Kiosk Link Creator – email manager integration

Dragon Media Gallery

Live NOW! Audio uploads are now available in the Media Gallery. The user can choose to filter to display just images/PDF’s, audio files or both!

Supported audio extensions include: mp3, wav, ogg, aif, aiff, amr, wma
Supported image extensions include: jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, tiff, tif, png, bmp, pdf

(Important note: Vocazilla audio files are NOT part of the Media Gallery at this time.)

Admin Shop Export

Going live soon! Export options to include both .txt and native .xlsx formats in addition to .sass.

(Important note: native .xlsx files have a limit of about 3,000 rows at this time.)

Kiosk Link Generator

Going live soon! The Kiosk Link Generator page will now be able to email those links to the managers for you! You can choose to send to any level managers. Location managers will receive an email with the link to their single location. Level managers will receive an Excel spreadsheet with links to ALL of the locations that fall under their hierarchy level.

We have also given the page a facelift so while all of the previous functionality remains, it now has the clean, modern look of other recently revamped pages like the Main Admin page and the entire Shopper side.

Here is an example of the new onscreen view:

Here is an example of the Excel export:

Click the “Options” button to email the links directly. You can choose your own reply-to address, which level to send to and even customize the text of the email!

We hope your clients enjoy these updates. If you have any questions, please submit a Support Tracker and we will be happy to help.