New PrestoShopper Features

1: Logic for “Time of Day” Question

2: “Extend Expiration” Button

3: Barcode Scanning

PrestoShopper continues to gain massive momentum with our partners so we are excited to announce several new features. These are all live and ready for you to use for projects of any scope.

Presto Logic For “Time Of Day”

We now offer new Presto logic specifically tied to the “Time of Day” question option. This logic will trigger on the value of the Time of Day question being less than, greater than, or equal to a selected value.

“Extend Expiration” Button

We’ve added a new feature called the “Extend Expiration” button within the reviewer view.

This button allows a reviewer to send an abandoned or rejected shop back to the shopper with either 24 hours or 72 hours remaining to complete the shop and submit the report.

This feature allows the reviewer to give the shopper a second chance. Also very useful if the shopper encountered a problem that prevented them from submitting the shop.

Important: this feature will not work if the shop is no longer available (shop was claimed by another shopper, batch has ended, quota has been met, company is out of shopper funds, etc.)

Barcode Scanning – Update

Working with clients that have product barcode scanning for retail audits as part of the scope of work is now easier through PrestoShopper. We’ve added an option to text questions to accept camera input and scan the results to attempt to interpret as a barcode.

If successful, the interpreted value is stored in the text question (photo will not be stored). This data can also be exported for reporting purposes.